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Compare green energy with Quidco

What is green energy?

Put simply, green or renewable energy is energy that has been created in an eco-friendly way. Before the discovery of the wind turbine, the only type of energy was fossil fuels. With the atmosphere getting warmer every day, we are at a pivotal point in our lifetime where we need to see an increase of green and responsible sources of energy in order to make a change.

The world spent a total of £500bn on green energy initiatives last year and nowadays, it is easy to make the switch to greener energy. You may switch your current gas and electricity to a green energy supplier, or you can ask your current supplier to increase the amount of energy your household uses to come from green sources.

With Quidco, you can compare different green energy tariffs to find a deal that works for you. In addition, you could receive cashback on your savings. Read our informative guide to green energy comparison and start saving on your bills today.

How is green energy generated?

Green energy is an umbrella term for energy generated from eco-friendly sources. There are quite a few renewable sources, but they all work in the same way in the end: by turning turbines to generate electricity as they rotate. Common sources of green energy include:


Large windmills connected to turbines are installed in windy areas to generate electricity as they turn.


Special photovoltaic panels are installed in hotter areas to convert the sun's energy into electricity. With an estimated 4 million homes having solar panels in the UK, these are the most popular form of renewable energy.


Dams built across large rivers can be used to control the flow of water by directing it through gravity-driven generators.


The moon's gravitational pull is enormous, and power is produced as the tides change.


Burning biological material as a fuel source, such as plant matter and waste food, is efficient, but it produces emissions.


Also known as geothermal, captured heat from deep within the earth can be used to generate electricity by turning water into steam and driving turbines.

Types of green tariff

Businesses supplying green energy promote app-based account management and may even provide paperless billing as default and generate all of their electricity from zero-carbon sources. Suppliers of green energy include Shell Energy, Ecotricity, Green Energy, Bulb, and Octopus.

Standard variable

These rates have complete versatility. You are not locked into a deal with a set end date, and you will not be charged any termination fees if you decide to switch suppliers.

Fixed rate

Fixed rates see you paying a certain price for each unit of energy until a certain date. Fixed rates are often available for one, two, or five years.

Dual fuel

Dual fuel means getting your gas and electric from the same supplier and can be beneficial for the customer as energy companies also provide lower rates to dual fuel customers, and choosing a dual fuel tariff means you only have to deal with one energy provider.

Why get a green tariff?

Whether you’re switching domestic energy or business usage, there are many benefits to switching to renewable energy.

●      Cheaper: A lot of renewable energy packages are becoming cheaper.

●      Eco-friendly: The reduction of carbon dioxide and fossil fuels will contribute to the cooling of the earth.

Green energy tariffs are available from mainstream suppliers, ensuring that some, most, or even all of your energy comes from environmentally friendly sources. Look at a supplier's fuel mix information to see how much renewable energy it produces.

This shows how much of the power they sell comes from coal, gas, nuclear, renewable, and other sources, allowing you to see how environmentally friendly they truly are.

Why switch to renewable energy with Quidco?

There are a number of reasons why you might want to consider switching to a renewable energy tariff. It could be due to your current supplier being too expensive, you might want to get energy from a more familiar company, or you simply want to reduce your own carbon footprint.

Whatever the motive, it is always worth shopping around to find a deal that suits you financially. When you compare renewable energy tariffs with Quidco, you could receive cashback on your savings, too!

Green Energy FAQs

Are green tariffs more expensive?

Green energy tariffs are becoming increasingly competitive as technology advances and more people demand renewable energy. This trend will only continue, especially as the cost of solar panels falls and their efficiency rises.

Of course, fossil fuel prices fluctuate as well, making it difficult to determine which fuel source is the absolute cheapest. What is certain these days is that going green will not cost you an arm and a leg.

Will I need a smart meter?

All businesses supplying gas and electricity are required by the government to have smart metres installed in their domestic and business customers' homes and premises by Dec 2021 (see Ofgem for more). Therefore, when you switch, you will most likely be contacted about getting a smart metre installed. 

How can using a smart meter help the environment?

Smart metres provide much more timely updates, resulting in a more accurate picture of when and where energy is being used. Therefore, it can make the user more conscious of how much energy they are consuming, thus helping the environment. 

What is a feed in tariff?

A feed-in tariff compensates you for excess electricity generated at home using technologies such as solar panels or wind turbines and sent to the National Grid. Feed-in tariff rates differ, but they can help reduce the cost of an energy bill, encouraging the use of renewable energy

Is nuclear energy considered to be renewable or green?

As it stands, nuclear power is a sustainable energy source, however, it has the potential to become fully renewable if the uranium source is shifted from mined ore to seawater.

How can I be more eco-friendly with my energy usage?

Alongside switching to renewable energy, there are a number of ways you can use energy in a more environmentally friendly way, such as:

●      Install solar panels: You can generate your own energy by installing solar panels on the roof of your home.

●      Insulate the house: Cavity wall and loft insulation allows you to trap more heat in the house without turning the heating on all day.

●      Electric car: By 2030 there will be a ban on the sale of new petrol and diesel cars. You can help the environment and your energy usage by purchasing an electric vehicle.

Can I get a green business tariff?

Many providers will offer green tariffs for businesses, so take a look around at what's on offer to determine what renewable energy deal is right for you and your business.