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Marmalade’s flexible, short-term policy protects the car owner’s No Claims Discount while providing the learner the cover they need – just choose 30, 60, 90, 120, 180 or 240-days cover.
The learner will need to be supervised while practising, supervising drivers need to be aged 25 or over and to have held a full UK driving licence for at least 3 years.
Marmalade will cover learner drivers on most cars provided they are already insured by the car’s owner, have a current market value of less than £30,000, are up to 20 years old and in insurance group 32 or less. Whoever is supervising the driving practise is covered too, even if they have to take control of the wheel in an emergency.
Does temporary learner driver insurance cover you after you’ve passed your test?
This policy is designed specifically for learner drivers, so cover will end as soon as you pass your driving test. So, if you do take the test in the insured car - make sure you arrange a lift home from the test centre.