Up to £80 cashback
£80 cashback for a genuine new customer Multipet policy |
£60 cashback for a genuine new customer single dog policy |
Last updated
The UK's number 1 pet insurer
Kennel Club Pet Insurance is rated the number one pet insurer on petinsurancereview.co.uk, a completely independent pet insurance review site.
Lifetime pet insurance with up to £25,000 cover
We only provide lifetime policies as these give you the best protection from the financial burden of caring for a poorly pet, including cover for ongoing and recurring conditions every year of your dog’s life.
Award-winning pet insurance
We are rated 'Excellent' on Trustpilot, and have a 5-star Defaqto rating, giving you confidence that we will care for your dog thoughout their life.
We pay 97% of claims
And by settling directly with your vet, you don't need to worry about paying large bills then claiming back. Instead, you can focus on your dog.