Up to £10 cashback
Want to get away more than once this year? Choose an annual policy for year round cover + £10 Cashback | Expires in 5 days |
£10 cashback for an accepted annual travel insurance policy |
£5 cashback for an accepted single trip travel insurance policy |
Last updated
Whether you’re flying solo or holidaying with friends and family, Admiral covers the UK, Europe and worldwide. And if you’re skiing or cruising, we can cover that too!
After forking out for the holiday you might be asking yourself 'what is travel insurance and do I really need it?'.
Basically, it's there to protect you if the worst were to happen while you're overseas. This includes:
Choose Single trip or Annual Multi Trip cover with varying levels of cover and many sports and leisure activities included as standard. Additional cover available for Winter Sports, Gadget and Cruise holidays.
We insure a wide range of medical conditions and pay up to £20million in emergency medical expenses.
We don't think age should hinder adventure which is why we offer travel insurance to holidaymakers aged 18 to over 65. Children can be added to an adult's policy.
If you’re injured or fall ill while on holiday, you can call our 24-hour Emergency Assistance Helpline.