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Barc London Cashback & Offers

4% cashback

Barc London Cashback & Offers

Online cashback rates

4% cashback

for all purchases

Last updated

More about Barc London

We are Barc London.

Did you know, as humans we are biologically hardwired for love and connection? In a 2019 survey asking dog owners to state their reasons for having a dog, every single answer linked their ownership to either improving their happiness and/or providing companionship.

Better still, in recent years as science moves on, it's been shown that what makes dogs truly remarkable is not their intelligence but their ability to build devoted and affectionate relationships with other species — in short, to love.

So it's officially a love story, and one we are committed to enhance and celebrate.

We are the result from taking a love story (spanning 15,000 years) and fusing it with today's culture.

We are The Brand For Dogs.