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Central College for Education Cashback

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Last updated Apr. 29, 2021



£40 cashback

for students paying in full


£28 cashback

for students paying in instalments

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Shopping Central College for Education

Central College for Education cashback 

If your number one desire is to study at a university, but you do not have the required qualifications for the course you wish to enrol in, do not be discouraged. Central College for Education (CCFE) is one of the UK’s leading course providers, offering up to 19 Access to Higher Education diplomas that make it possible for you to study the course you desire, even without the necessary qualifications.

Central College for Education distance learning

Besides the fact that CCFE enables you to pursue higher education, one key aspect of the courses it offers is that you can take them in the comfort of your own home. Thanks to distance learning, you do not have to shelve your pursuit of an education because of a hectic personal or work schedule.

Central College for Education distance learning makes it all convenient for you, allowing you to schedule your coursework in a way that won’t affect your personal and professional life. Through the use of PEARL, you will have access to a virtual learning environment with the complete coursework available to you online.

The company will also give you a personal, qualified, and experienced tutor who will be ready to offer you constructive feedback and friendly support whenever you need it. You also have various means of communication, such as Skype, email, telephone, or text.

Central College for Education Access to Higher Education diplomas

CCFE has a variety of Access to Higher Education diplomas that prepare people to study their desired course. These diplomas provide you with the best chance of enrolling in the university of your choice. CCFE did plenty of research when designing its certifications, and confidently offers a wide range of options through the use of innovative industry software, ensuring that they meet your needs.

Each option CCFE offers comes with a choice of a pathway that allows you to tailor your diploma, enabling you to specialise in the specific academic subjects that will maximise the chances of meeting your desired university’s entry requirements.

One Access to Higher Education diploma you could consider choosing is business and management, which offers you the chance of getting enrolled in a business and management degree course at university. The certificate contains 20 well-balanced academic units that are all focused on business and management.

You could also opt for the education diploma, which includes a set of 19 well-researched and carefully selected units, within a specific subject, that will allow you to meet your chosen university’s entry requirements.

It is important to remember that different universities will have different entry requirements, so it is always best to check your desired university’s entry requirements before enrolling in a CCFE Access to Higher Learning diploma course.

Central College for Education cashback

While the opportunity CCFE has created is fantastic, Quidco has an offer to sweeten the deal even further. Now, you can get cashback when you enroll for a diploma course through Quidco.

Click the ‘Get cashback’ link you will find on the page, enroll for the diploma course you desire, and we will track and process your transaction, sending a portion of your money straight back to you.