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Lucent Decors Cashback & Offers

4% cashback

Lucent Decors Cashback & Offers

Online cashback rates

4% cashback

for all purchases

Last updated

More about Lucent Decors

Life is a race against time. The race comprises the time we spent with our loved ones, the place we grew up, and the memories associated with items that made our home. Maybe it is a fight for the remote over the sofa, photo frames over a hallway table, a pillow fight on the bed, or a cracked mirror after playing a ball game. The list goes on and on.


While my friend and I were sharing our trips down the memory lane, we realised that we shared a common interest and had our light bulb moment. We decided to embark on a journey that will allow everyone to feel what we felt, and launched Lucent Decors. As the name suggests, we believe we can bring light to your home. We hail from a land, known for its rich cultural heritage, and growing up in the shadows of some of the fine craftsmanship helped us develop a distinct taste in home decorations.

Our user-friendly and convenient website means that you no longer have to brave the crowded shops searching for the perfect product. At Lucent Decors, we handpick products that can transform your house into a home. We are confident that as the years pass by; our products will remain a beautiful and meaningful part of your home.

If you have any questions about our products or would like to check the availability of an item, please get in touch. We would love to hear from you.

Our goal is to help you create the home you have been dreaming of, and we know you will not be disappointed with the style and production quality of our carefully selected products.

Our reputation means everything to us, so we only work with suppliers who deliver quality furniture based in the United Kingdom and share our commitment to customer service and satisfaction.

We are also dedicated to minimising our impacts on the environment and providing our customers with the opportunity to do the same. To learn more about Lucent Decors commitment to the environment and our partnerships