£28 cashback
£28 cashback for a new MBNA Transfer and Purchase Credit Card with £1000 Balance Transfer or Purchases or a combination of both within the first 60 days of account opening |
Last updated
0% for up to 22 months on balance transfers made within 60 days of account opening (3.49% fee applies)
0% for up to 22 months on purchases you make within 60 days of account opening
0% for up to 9 months on money transfers made within 60 days of account opening (4% fee applies)
When the promotional offer ends and for transfers/purchases made after the first 60 days, your standard variable rates and fees at that time will apply.
You cannot transfer a balance from another MBNA Credit Card
Representative example: If you spend £1,200 at a purchase rate of 24.94% (variable) p.a. your representative APR is 24.9% APR (variable)
Your standard interest rates will be linked to the Bank of England Base Rate. This means they will change automatically in line with changes to the Base Rate, but any promotional rates and offers you have will not. As our standard interest rates are variable it means we can also change them for other reasons in the future if we need to. You can find the standard rates in the Summary Box.
Earn up to 15% cashback with selected retailers on your Credit Card purchases by registering for MBNA Smart Rewards. T&C’s Apply.