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Parcel2Go Cashback & Offers

Up to 8% cashback

Parcel2Go Cashback & Offers

Voucher codes

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Send Smarter with Evri. Find the lowest prices on Parcel2Go and ship from just £2.15 (excl. VAT)

+ Up to 8% Cashback

Online cashback rates

8% cashback

for new customer purchases

0.64% cashback

for existing customer purchases

0.64% cashback

for purchases where a Quidco voucher is used

Last updated

More about Parcel2Go

Parcel2Go are a global courier company offering cheap shipping services internationally to countries such as Australia, China, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Spain, the USA and many more.


As the biggest parcel delivery company in the UK they have been able to score exclusive deals with FedEx, DHL and UPS amongst many other couriers, passing the savings onto the customer.


See how much you could save on your parcel delivery with Parcel2Go.