Up to £8 cashback
£8 cashback for new customers opening a Cash ISA - 5.01% AER |
£8 cashback for new customers opening a Stocks and Shares ISA |
£8 cashback for new customers opening a Self-Invested Personal Pension (SIPP) |
£1.20 cashback for a new customer completed registration |
Last updated
Plum is an AI assistant that helps you grow your savings, reduce spending on bills, and manage your money better. Plum's customers say it feels like a little bit of magic for their money, but actually it’s smart artificial intelligence technology that helps them save more and waste less.
Connect Plum to your bank account and it analyses what goes in and out. Then it will put small amounts aside, every few days, so you fill up your money pocket... without you even noticing. Plum can also help you switch away from bad deals (e.g. utility, loans, insurances or broadband) to cheaper ones in a flash.