Up to £384 cashback
£384 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £80.00 to £84.99 |
£336 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £70.00 to £79.99 |
£312 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £65.00 to £69.99 |
£288 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £60.00 - £64.99 |
£264 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £55.00 - £59.99 |
£240 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £50.00 - £54.99 |
£216 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £45.00 - £49.99 |
£192 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £40.00 - £44.99 |
£168 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £35.00 - £39.99 |
£144 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £30.00 - £34.99 |
£120 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £25.00 - £29.99 |
£96 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £20.00 - £24.99 |
£72 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £15.00 - £19.99 |
£48 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £10.00 - £14.99 |
£40 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £7.00 - £9.99 |
£24 cashback for a genuine new Life Insurance policy with a monthly premium from £5.00 - £6.99 |
Last updated
Over 50s Life Cover from Post Office is a simple way to leave your loved ones a cash sum when you die – as a gift, to settle unpaid bills or help pay for your funeral.
Why choose Post Office?
- Get u £10,000 of cover depending on your age
- There's no medical checks or tests, we'll accept you if you're a UK resident aged 50 to 80
- Immediate cover for accidental death, plus death by any cause after 12 months
- You can pay from just £5 per month - that's just £1.15 per week (for a 50 year old non-smoker, £1000 minimum cover).
- Add Funeral Benefit Option for free, and get up to a £250 discount towards your funeral costs
- Free access to a 24/7 Online GP, Nutrition and Fitness professional, Mental Health and Health Check specialist 365 days a year. There's no limit on usage and includes family members & children up to age 21.*
- We're proud to have won the best over 50s life cover provider at the YourMoney.com Awards in 2023, which makes it 15 years in a row
*Service not part of policy contract. May be withdrawn at any time.