Up to £159.67 cashback
50% off Breakdown Cover* + Up to £159.67 Cashback
£159.67 cashback for fully paid breakdown policies with a value of £250 and over |
£109.67 cashback for fully paid breakdown policies with a value of £200 - £249.99 |
£78.67 cashback for fully paid breakdown policies with a value of £150 - £199.99 |
£62.67 cashback for fully paid breakdown policies with a value of £100 - £149.99 |
£42.67 cashback for fully paid breakdown policies with a value up to £99.99 |
Last updated
The RAC is Britain’s most experienced breakdown company – helping motorists since 1897. Established more than 125 years ago, the RAC gives peace of mind to over 13.6 million personal and business members in the UK. They offer a suite of services that help keep vehicles safe, in good condition and on the move.
Best known for breakdown cover and insurance, the RAC makes sure members always have help on hand when they need it. They also offer innovative services like RAC Mobile Mechanics, who service and repair your vehicle on your driveway.
Famous for speedy response times, great customer service, and their iconic orange vans, the RAC reaches most breakdowns in just 60 minutes, and fixes 4/5 breakdowns on the spot. Their friendly team is always on hand to answer questions and offer advice, whether you’ve got a question about insurance or want some tips on safety and vehicle maintenance. It’s a great choice if you’re looking for a provider with expertise you can rely on.