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Save up to £154 when you buy the Galaxy S24 Ultra as a registered business on the Samsung Business Shop* PLUS Claim free Chromenook Go** + 4% Cashback | Expires in 3 days |
Save up to £138 on the Galaxy A55 when you buy from the Samsung Business Shop* + 4% Cashback
Get up to £154 off the Galaxy Tab 10 Ultra and claim free Galaxy Buds3 Pro*, plus get £150 off when you trade in any tablet in any condition** + 4% Cashback | Expires in 3 days |
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Save up to £369 when you buy the the Galaxy Book4 360, plus use our code for a further £200 off* + 4% Cashback
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Samsung is committed to complying with local laws and regulations as well as applying a strict global code of conduct to all employees.
It believes that ethical management is not only a tool for responding to the rapid changes in the global business environment, but also a vehicle for building trust with its various stakeholders including customers, shareholders, employees, business partners and local communities.
With an aim to become one of the most ethical companies In the world, Samsung continues to train its employees and operate monitoring systems, while practicing fair and transparent corporate management.