Up to £20 cashback
£20 cashback for a car 28-day policy |
£12 cashback for a car 15 to 27-day policy |
£8 cashback for a car 1 to 14-day policy |
£4 cashback for a car Hourly policy |
£20 cashback for a van 28-day policy |
£13.60 cashback for a van 15 to 27-day policy |
£12 cashback for a van 2 to 14-day policy |
£12 cashback for a van 1-day policy |
£4.80 cashback for a van Hourly policy |
£8 cashback for a bike 1-7 day policy |
Last updated
Temporary insurance from Tempcover is the ideal insurance option for drivers looking for cover in those everyday moments when all you need is a few days or weeks insurance.
Whether you need to borrow a car or van for a day or two, want to test drive a new vehicle before buying or even drive away a new set of wheels without having to arrange annual cover, Tempcover is here to help.
Cover is available from as little as 1-28 days and takes just 90 seconds. Avoid the hassle and expense of adjusting an annual policy and get instant cover whenever and wherever you are. For comprehensive cover, it could be the perfect way to save time and money on the cover you need.
With Tempcover, you get exclusive discounts on 1-28 days cover with a guaranteed saving of £5 on hourly policies, £10 on 1-14 day policies, £15 on 15-27 day policies and £25 on 28 day policies.