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The Times Cashback

Save money whilst shopping with The Times cashback! Simply click get cashback, shop as normal and earn rewards in your Quidco account.
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  • Terms & Conditions
Last updated Jan. 22, 2021



£8.48 cashback

for a Digital subscription - one month free then £26 per month


£5.40 cashback

for a Basic subscription - one month free then £15 per month

When will I get my cashback?

  • Purchase
  • Tracked in
    <Less than 24 hours
  • Pays within
    9 months

Cashback do's and don'ts


  • Cashback can be earned by clicking the "Get cashback" button and purchasing as you normally would.
  • Cashback will only be confirmed where the purchase is genuine, tracked, done immediately and completed online (on the same device).
  • Cashback may not be tracked if you purchase using the merchant app (if applicable), some merchants may automatically re-direct you to their mobile app.
  • Make sure you have enabled cookie-tracking and do not have an ad-blocker on your browser.
  • Only use promotional codes/voucher codes from Quidco, using alternatives may decline your cashback.
  • Cashback may initially track at a lower or higher rate and update to the correct rate on confirmation.


  • Cashback will only be paid on Digital Pack trial subscriptions once the 8 week minimum term for trial period has passed.
  • Please also see the retailer's standard terms and conditions for purchase as listed on their site.

Helpful Information

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