Up to 8% cashback
8% cashback for new customer purchases |
4% cashback for existing customer purchases |
Last updated
thortful is a creative card marketplace supporting a community of designers, illustrators and photographers who create beautiful, unique greeting cards (most of which you won't find on the high street!). We believe that our creators should be appropriately rewarded for their creative talents, so we pay them an industry-leading royalty rate too - they deserve nothing less!
We're fuelled by caffeine, passionate about the product we are building and have a shared vision of making the world a more thortful place. Download our app and you’ll have 1000s of cards ready to go, in your pocket, for every occasion. Not only can you save those key dates and schedule card deliveries for the future, you can even upload a message in your own handwriting to print on the inside of your card (no one will ever know you forgot!).