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travelup Cashback & Offers

Up to 5%/£14 cashback

travelup Cashback & Offers

Online cashback rates

£14 cashback

for all flight bookings

5% cashback

for hotel bookings

4% cashback

for package holiday bookings

Last updated

More about travelup

If you’re looking for that weekend getaway or even family holidays, TravelUp can help you find hotels and flights to make sure all you need to worry about is having a good time.

Booking a holiday can be stressful, especially for a group or trying to manage multiple bookings as well as different flights and hotels. TravelUp is here to help and take the hard part out of your holiday, so you can enjoy the break. From booking right through to check-in and until you arrive at the hotel, its excellent customer service (as highly rated on Trustpilot) is on hand to make sure everything runs smoothly. So, all you need to do is pack the sun cream!

TravelUp flights

TravelUp has flights destined all over the world. If you’re looking for a beach holiday that won’t take hours to get to, you’ll find flights to UK-favourites such as beachy Tenerife or Portugal. If you’re looking for a heavy hit of culture, then hop on board a plane to Prague. Or if you’re after a faraway adventure,  then book a trip to Thailand through TravelUp.

TravelUp sources new, great-value flights daily, so it’s always worth a look to see what kind of deals are on offer. The travel company offers flights from over 175 airlines, including Virgin Atlantic, British Airways and Qatar Airways. All flight bookings are 100% transparent, meaning what you see is what you pay for, and there’s never any hidden charges.

For larger trips, TravelUp has multi-city flights, allowing you to buy up to six flights under one booking. This is the perfect opportunity for someone who wants to take a longer break and see what the world has to offer.

TravelUp hotels

Such as it is with flights, TravelUp’s choice of hotels is (almost) endless. With a pick of over 400,000 hotels around the world, you’re sure to find the ideal stay. Finding a hotel with TravelUp is a breeze. Plug in some details about where you want to stay, for how long, and the number of rooms and number of guests. TravelUp speedy tool will show you hotels at a range of budgets.