No cashback available
Virgin Trains Ticketing do not offer cashback on any purchase. However you can earn cashback at similar retailers
Why choo-choose Virgin Trains Ticketing:
Virgin Trains Ticketing want to put your money back where it belongs: in your pocket. That’s why they've removed all booking fees, shower you with points for every £ you spend and help you find the same journey for less with split tickets.
Want more? Watch the rewards pile up with 3 Virgin Points for every £1 you spend with them. And those points aren’t just for show. As well as unlocking discounts on future train travel you can also use them to save money on everything from heavenly hot drinks to sizzling hot holidays with Virgin Red. So, say hello to a world of savings and rewards and book your next train ticket with Virgin Trains Ticketing.
*Free Virgin Red membership required to earn and spend Virgin Points.