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Yakwax Cashback

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About Yakwax

Yakwax is an online Surf, Skate, Street and Lifestyle retailer with a passion to bring you the freshest products in the industry.

4.48% cashback
for all purchases
4.48% cashback
for all purchases
  • Discounts
  • Terms & Conditions
Last updated Feb. 25, 2021



4.48% cashback

for all purchases

When will I get my cashback?

  • Purchase
  • Tracked in
    <Less than 24 hours
  • Pays within
    6 months

Helpful Information

Shopping Yakwax

Yakwax Ltd was established in April 2002 and has built up a reputation for offering a wide variety of products from a diverse number of brands along with customer service that is second to none!

Yakwax specialise primarily in lifestyle garments from the Surf, Skate & Snowboard scenes as well as music and art influenced style. Yakwax is 100% run by Surfers and Skaters with over 60 years experience between them working in this industry means that when it comes to Surfing, Skating and the fashion that surrounds it, they can give customers the best possible professional advice because they live and breathe the lifestyle every single day!

Yakwax offer a wide and diverse style of brands to satisfy most people’s tastes. Everything from large mainstream brands to the smaller core brands that can offer you something a little bit more unique and special.